
Best way to track billable hours on service calls

No one wants to work for free – and why should you? Your expertise is valuable and should be compensated as such.

Tethr It understands your expertise is one of your greatest assets – and we help you capitalize on it. Our real-time, video-calling app and platform connects experts with users around the globe to troubleshoot technical problems on a variety of equipment.

Make Troubleshooting Work for You

Let’s face it: troubleshooting calls for customers can be a time-consuming process. These generally aren’t quick phone conversations. It takes time to listen to a problem, ask the appropriate questions to get a clearer picture of the situation, and then help diagnose the issue.

Tethr It allows you to monetize these inbound calls, making them a part of your business model rather than cutting into your efficiencies. Using Tethr It’s ecommerce functionality makes it easy to track call times and get reports for making invoices and simple billing processes.

How Tethr It Benefits Everyone

There are many ways Tethr It helps both your company and your customers. How?

Consider the following capabilities:

  • Manage your team’s time with Tethr It’s built-in reporting feature
  • Review team’s calls received, call duration and other statistics
  • Use call recording feature for training and best-practice sharing
  • Rolling answering system puts customer in touch with expert immediately – no waiting until the next representative is ready or for an on-site visit
  • Elimination of travel time frees up more reps to help more customers, allowing both customers and your company to use time more efficiently
  • Paying a small monthly fee for immediate access to experts is more cost-effective for customers than hiring full-time employees or on-site labor charges
  • Customers still get the quick assistance and support they depend on, so they will likely be willing to pay small fee for personal attention and fast response times
  • Tethr It can be integrated with Salesforce and other mobile apps and software

How to Charge for Phone Support

There are a number of decisions to make with the business choice to charge for phone support services.

For one, you must decide if you’ll offer a single tier of service, or will there be multiple tiers at different price points? The different tiers could come with guarantees of quick response times, more service calls each month, or bonus services such as access to FAQ, video tutorials, or closed Facebook groups.

Another decision to make is will you charge a monthly/annual subscription cost or on a pay-per-use schedule. Typically, an ongoing subscription service fee will generate the most revenue in the long term.

Of course, maybe the most important choice regarding charging is the price. Obviously, you want this amount to be high enough to make money, but it needs to be low enough that customers find it acceptable for the service they’re getting. Call durations and frequency of calls per customer also play a huge part in determining the price.

To find out more about how Tethr It can help you monetize your incoming service calls, call us at 888-708-3847 or contact us online.